How to Find the Perfect Dog Trainer in Kent

How to Find the Perfect Dog Trainer in Kent

Finding the right dog trainer can feel like herding cats… pretty difficult. Your dog is a family member and you only want the best for them. You need someone who understands your dog's quirks and can mould them into a well-behaved companion. With over 12 million dogs in the UK, and plenty of them in Kent, there are a lot of options for dog training.
This guide will help you choose the perfect dog trainer for you and your furry friend.

Understanding Your Dog Training Needs

First off, you need to decide what you are trying to achieve. Do you just want your dog to obey basic dog commands such as sit, stay, come, and stop humping the mother-in-law? Basic dog training is particularly beneficial for puppies and young dogs. If you’re searching for "puppy training Maidstone" or "puppy training classes Kent," you’ll want a trainer experienced in encouraging these initial skills. Is there a dog behaviour problem that needs sorting? Does your dog constantly bark, is it uncomfortable around other dogs or eats your sofa? If so, you will need some behaviour modification training. For these needs, looking up a "dog behaviourist Kent" or "dog behaviorist near me" is advisable. These professionals specialise in understanding and changing undesirable behaviours through personalised training programs.

Consider the following points when defining your requirements:

  • Age and Breed of Your Dog: Puppies require different training techniques compared to older dogs. Certain breeds also have specific behavioural traits that might need special attention. You would not train a Shih Tzu using the same technique as you would for a German Shepherd. You could, but it would be a disaster.
  • Specific Behaviour Issues: Identify any particular problems your dog has. Is your dog aggressive towards other dogs, or does it hate being left in the house alone? Clear identification of issues will lead you to a trainer who specialises in those areas.
  • Training Format: Decide if you prefer one-on-one sessions, group classes, or residential dog training. Each format has its advantages:
    • One-on-One Sessions: Offer personalised attention and customised training plans.
    • Group Classes: Great for improved dog socialisation and general obedience skills.
    • Residential Dog Training: Intensive and immersive, ideal for serious behaviour issues or if you lack time for regular sessions.
  • Goals and Expectations: Clearly outline what you hope to achieve through training. Are you aiming for a well-mannered pet, or do you need to address severe behavioural problems?
By understanding your specific needs and goals, you can narrow down your search effectively.

The Five Golden Rules of Dog Training

Successful dog training hinges on a few key principles. Whether you’re searching for "puppy training classes Kent" or "dog obedience training Kent," keeping these golden rules in mind will guide you towards effective training methods.
  • Consistency: Dogs thrive on routine. Keep your commands and routines uniform.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behaviour with treats, praise, or playtime.
  • Timing: Correct and reward behaviours immediately to make the connection clear.
  • Patience: Training takes time. Stay calm and persistent.
  • Socialisation: Expose your dog to different environments, people, and other dogs.

Signs of a Good Dog Trainer

When assessing a "dog behaviourist Kent" or "dog behaviorist near me," you’ll want to ensure they have certain qualities that separate good trainers from the "wannabees". A  proffesional dog trainer not only improves your dog's behaviour but also improves your relationship with your pet. Here are the important signs to look for in a competent dog trainer: Observing a Training Session
  • Engagement and Responsiveness: Watch how the trainer interacts with dogs during a session. Are the dogs engaged and responsive? A good trainer uses positive reinforcement techniques to keep dogs motivated and eager to learn.
  • Calm and Controlled Environment: The training environment should be calm and controlled, not chaotic. This indicates the trainer's ability to manage multiple dogs effectively and maintain focus.
Communication Skills
  • Clarity and Patience: A good trainer communicates clearly and patiently, explaining training techniques in a way that’s easy to understand. They should be able to break down complex concepts into simple, easy to action steps.
  • Owner Involvement: Effective trainers involve owners in the training process. They teach you how to reinforce training at home, ensuring consistency and continuity in your dog’s learning.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials
  • Client Feedback: Check for positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Happy clients are a good sign of the trainer’s effectiveness and reliability. Look for feedback on local forums, social media, and review sites.
  • Word of Mouth: Personal recommendations from friends, family, or your veterinarian can be invaluable. They provide insight into the trainer’s methods and success rates.
Transparency and Professionalism
  • Open Methodology: A good trainer is transparent about their training methods. They should be willing to explain why they use certain techniques and how they benefit your dog.
  • Professionalism: Look for trainers who conduct themselves professionally. This includes punctuality, respect for your time, and clear communication about scheduling and fees.
Certification and Continuing Education
  • Certified Credentials: Ensure the trainer has certifications from recognised bodies such as the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) or other recognised bodies. These credentials indicate a commitment to professional standards.
  • Ongoing Learning: Good trainers continuously update their skills and knowledge. Ask if they attend workshops, seminars, or courses to stay up-to-date in the latest dog training techniques and behavioural science.
Tailored Training Plans
  • Individual Assessments: A competent trainer conducts a thorough assessment of your dog’s behaviour and needs. They develop customised training plans that address specific issues rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Progress Tracking: Effective trainers track your dog’s progress and adjust the training plan as needed. They provide regular updates and feedback to ensure continuous improvement.
Ethical Training Methods
  • Positive Reinforcement: Look for trainers who primarily use positive reinforcement techniques. These methods are based on rewarding desired behaviours, which is both humane and effective.
  • Avoidance of Disciplinary Measures: Steer clear of trainers who use harsh punishment methods such as yelling, hitting, or using shock collars. These techniques can cause fear and anxiety in dogs and are not endorsed by reputable training organisations.

Red Flags: What Makes a Bad Dog Trainer?

Avoid trainers who use harsh methods or lack transparency. When searching for Kent dog training, be wary of these red flags to protect your dog’s well-being.
  • Use Harsh Methods: Punitive techniques can harm your dog.
  • Lack Transparency: They should clearly explain their methods and progress.
  • Poor Communication: If they can’t answer your questions satisfactorily, move on.

Check The Dog Trainer Qualifications

Not all dog trainers are created equal. When looking for "dog training in Kent" or "dog obedience training near me," verify their qualifications. This ensures your dog is in capable hands. Head to the Kennel Club to find out more about their City & Guilds accredited instructors.
  • Certifications: Credentials from recognised bodies like BIPDTAPDT or IMDT.
  • Experience: Years in the field and any specialisations.
  • Professional Development: Membership in professional organisations and on-going education.

Picking the Right Trainer

Choosing the best trainer involves thorough research. When searching for "puppy training Maidstone" or "residential dog training Kent," consider these steps to ensure you make the best choice for your dog’s needs.
  • Research Local Options: Search for "Dog Behaviourist Kent" or "Kent Dog Training".
  • Ask for Recommendations: Your vet and other pet owners can provide valuable insights. If you bought your dog from a breeder, they may have recommendations. If your dog is a rescue animal, the rescue centre will normally have a list of approved trainers.
  • Evaluate Compatibility: Ensure the trainer’s methods meet with what you are trying the achieve and meet your dog’s needs. Also ensure that they can fit in with your schedule.

What to Expect from a Dog Trainer

When you hire a trainer, especially for something specific like "puppy training classes Kent" or "dog training in Maidstone," expect a organised process. This ensures your dog receives personalised attention and effective training.
  • Initial Consultation: A session to assess your dog’s behaviour and needs.
  • Customised Plan: A training plan tailored to your dog.
  • Progress Updates: Regular feedback and instructions for at-home practice.

Choosing a Dog Trainer For Your Dog

When interviewing a prospective trainer, asking the right questions is crucial. This applies whether you're considering "residential dog training Kent" or "dog obedience training near me." Ensure you cover all bases to find a trainer that suits your dog’s needs.
  • Methods: What training techniques do they use?
  • Experience: Can they share success stories?
  • Interaction: How do they interact with your dog during the interview?


Choosing the perfect dog trainer in Kent requires a bit of research and patience, but it’s worth it. With the right trainer, your dog can become the well-mannered companion you always wanted. Take your time, ask the right questions, and trust your instincts. If you would like to know more, contact SK9 Training World. Happy training!

Further Reading

The Kennel Club UK Accredited Instructors
Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)
Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT)