Dog Socialisation Classes Kent


Dog Socialisation

Training dogs for socialisation is indeed a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. It helps dogs become well-adjusted and well-behaved in various social situations and environments while promoting positive behaviours. It's an ongoing process that should start early in a puppy's life and continue throughout their adulthood to ensure a happy and well-behaved pet.

Why This Training Is Important?
  • Exposure to Different Environments to help them become comfortable in different surroundings.
  • Meeting different people and Interactions with other animals to help them behave appropriately and not to react aggressively.
  • Handling and Grooming: the training will help them to stay calm during routine care.
  • Exposure to Various Sounds to help them become less anxious or reactive to loud noises.

Training period depends on the assessment session. Contact us for prices.

Book your training today